Diamond & Gemstone Concierge

Creating a relationship with our clients is extremely important to us and allows us to help you find the perfect diamond or gemstone you desire. With literally hundreds of thousands of stones to choose from it is imperative for us to understand exactly what is most important for you in terms of value and quality.

The most important process of creating the perfect engagement ring or any item of jewelry is finding the perfect center stone. The foundation and focus of any jewelry item is the right stone. With our Diamond and Gemstone Concierge service our resident GIA Graduate Gemologist will spend as much time as you need to cover all aspects of diamond and gemstone education so you can make an informed decision based on what is most important to you. Once you know what your looking for in a stone our Graduate Gemologist will use our extensive national and international relationships to look at 30-60 different stone before bringing you two or three of the best in terms of value and quality for you to choose.

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